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What is a CCN?

The CMS Certification Number (CCN) is assigned to a facility to verify that a provider has been Medicare certified and for what type of services. The CCN was previously known as the Medicare/Medicaid Provider Number or the Online Survey, Certification and Reporting (OSCAR) Number and is sometimes called the billing number.

The CCN is required to complete the registration process. For hospitals, the CCN is a 6-digit number/character combination. For ASCs, the CCN is a 10-digit number/character combination with the 3rd character being a “C.”

The CCN is different from the National Provider Identifier (NPI), but the two numbers are linked. The NPI is assigned to covered health care providers and is used for HIPAA standard transactions. You can use the NPI to look up the CCN here: ASC Lookup Tools (qualityreportingcenter.com). Your facility’s billing department can also be a helpful resource in identifying the CCN.

(Hospital CCN - 2 digits/letters followed by 4 digits. ASC CCN - 2 digits/letters, followed by a 'C', followed by 7 digits)
Enter a valid 10-digit NPI number
(NPI - 10 digits)
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(If you do not see your start date listed here, please call us.)
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(Practice Management Software or the software you use for billing purposes. If you do not know, please select "Other".)
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Above pricing is for Ambulatory Surgery Centers only. Please call for HOPD pricing.
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If you have any questions please contact the Fields Research OAS-CAHPS Team at (513) 821-6266