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New H-CAHPS Web-First Modes Available for 2025
H-CAHPS® Pricing
Web with Mail Follow-Up: $900 per month
Mail Only: $1,100 per month
Mail with Phone Follow-Up: $1,650 per month
The CMS H-CAHPS target for Hospitals is 300 completed surveys in a 12-month period.

Price is based on a minimum 25% response rate. If a Web-First mode is used, the price is based on 70% minimum email coverage.

Please call Ken Fields at 800-748-0830 if you are interested in other modes involving phone.
Sign up now for a setup fee of just $50.

Take advantage of this opportunity to save money while getting the high-quality healthcare survey services you need.
Pay Less + Get More
Why Fields Healthcare Research

Fields Healthcare Research is an Approved H-CAHPS® Survey Vendor. Our process & price are simple & straightforward. We are a family-owned & operated business. We are one of the longest standing data collection firms in the United States with over 45 years of conducting surveys.

We will ensure your agency meets the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for patient experience surveying, thereby avoiding a penalty on your CMS Reimbursements.

We currently help over 500 agencies comply with CAHPS® Survey requirements & have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) - let us help you!

& CMS Requirements

H-CAHPS has been linked to the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (Hospital VBP) Program that adjusts hospitals’ payments based on quality of care. The Hospital VBP Program assesses hospital performance in three domains: Clinical Process of Care, Patient Experience of Care, & Outcome. The Patient Experience of Care Domain is based on the H-CAHPS Survey.

All hospitals eligible for the APU & receiving reimbursement via the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) are required to participate in H-CAHPS® to avoid reduced reimbursement. Non-IPPS hospitals can participate in H-CAHPS® voluntarily.

Survey Overview

The Hospital CAHPS (H‑CAHPS®) Survey is used to publicly report patients' perspectives of hospital performance. According to CMS, the three goals of the H‑CAHPS® survey are to improve quality of care, enhance public accountability, & produce standardized data to allow for meaningful comparisons between hospitals.

The survey produces 10 quality reporting measures of patient experience encompassing:

  • Nurse Communication
  • Doctor Communication
  • Communication About Medicines
  • Timely Help from Hospital Staff
  • Information About Discharge
  • Care Transition
  • Cleanliness of Hospital Environment
  • Quietness of Hospital Environment
  • Patients' Rating of Hospital
  • Would Recommend Hospital

Patients considered eligible for inclusion in the H‑CAHPS® Survey:

  • Medicare/ Medicaid patients
  • Patients served in all branches that fall under your CCN number
  • 18 years or older at the time of admission
  • At least one overnight stay in the hospital as an inpatient
  • Non-psychiatric Ms-DRG/principal diagnosis at discharge
  • Alive at the time of discharge

Click here for the official H‑CAHPS® survey

There are several categories of otherwise eligible patients who are excluded from the survey for logistical reasons. These include patients discharged to hospice care, nursing homes, & skilled nursing facilities; court/law enforcement patients (i.e. prisoners); & patients with a foreign home address.

Star Rating

CMS added H-CAHPS® Star Ratings to the Hospital Compare website in April 2015 to visually summarize H-CAHPS® Survey results. These ratings are designed to help consumers more easily compare hospitals; they are not used for the Hospital VBP payment determination.

There are 11 H-CAHPS® Star Ratings: one for each of the 10 publicly reported H-CAHPS® measures (see “Survey Overview” above) & one Summary Star Rating that combines these 10 Star Ratings.

CMS updates the H-CAHPS® Star Ratings quarterly. Hospitals must have completed at least 100 H-CAHPS® surveys over a given year to receive H-CAHPS® Star Ratings.

For an in-depth explanation of how CMS converts survey responses into Star Ratings, see the most recent Technical Notes for H-CAHPS® Star Ratings here.

For more information about H-CAHPS® & Fields Healthcare Research, please call Ken Fields at 800-748-0830, or email

Hospital CAHPS®, Official Site:

For direct Email communications with CMS regarding the Hospital CAHPS® survey: